Maria Arendt
February 2022: Croatia, Montenegro.
February - May 2022: England
May 2022: France, Germany, Austria
June 2022: Italy
August 2022: Israel, Georgia
September 2022: Russia, Belarus, Lithuania
October 2022: Germany
November 2022: Hungary
December 2022 - February 2023: India
March-April 2023: Russia
May 2023: Georgia
June 2023: Israel, Montenegro, Bosnia
July 2023: Armenia
August 2023: Russia
September 2023: Lithuania, Poland, France, Belgium
October 2023: France, Germany
November 2023: Georgia
Although embroidery is restricted by the two-dimensional surface of representations, the artist seeks to take this type of what has been considered a handicraft beyond the boundaries of the genre and not merely present it as a piece of graphic art, but transfer it into the 3D format of mobile architecture. Maria Arendt extends this term, which today means a quickly erectable structure, to the concept of “textile architecture”. Memories are recorded on a "flash drive" and at the same time a mystic safeguard, they are simultaneously a sanctuary, scrolls, and prayer carpet. It is a screen protecting from the contingencies of the environment and at the same time a screen chronicling the artist’s impressions and emotions. It is both a fairground show booth and a tent giving shelter to a traveler from heat or cold. The elements of "architextile" Maria Arendt’s curtains have two sides. The front one is for the public while the reverse is the sacred one. It is not by chance that the artist shows the public the inner side of her works but is unable to decide for herself which side is more important. This may be a bifurcation point, where alternative history starts
solo exhibitions
2022 Architextile. Art-bridge Berlin Gallery. Berlin
2022 Pasca Art Residence. Final exhibition at Artresidence
2023 Sky vs. Sky. BAS CS Gallery, Berlin, Germany, together with Andrey Prigov (October)
2023 Sur les Routes. Iragui Gallery, Paris, France, together with Catherine Charreyre (October)
2023 Out, But not arrived, Erevan. Armenia, Common Ground (July)
2023 Strange distant places. Alexandr Gallery Forto Rose, Montenegro, together with Andrey Prigov (June)
2023 Out, but not arrived. Urban Fringe - the underground studio, India, New Delhi (January)
collective exhibitions
2022 Drawing now art fair
2022, Iragui gallery, Paris (May)
2022 “Salo X“ erotic drawing salon Paris (June)
2022 Treads Janco Dada Museum, Israel Ein Hod Artists’ Village (July)
2022 Crossing, south Korea, Gwangju (September)
2023 “Salo XI“ erotic drawing salon Paris (June)
2023 Show on the go. avrora_studio Istanbul, Turkey (September)